In Climáximo, our last round of reflections resulted in a complete reformatting of our framing and strategy. This is part of a movement-learning process whereby we consulted tens of groups all around the world.
We are now ready to admit publicly what many groups have felt for a long time: that governments and corporations have declared war against people and the planet; their weapon of destruction is the climate crisis; and therefore we live in a state of war (or, mostly, in denial of it). This means we need to live, organize and strategize in a state of war; which breaks our own business-as-usual as well as putting the responsibility on us to break the business-as-usual of the capitalist system.
We think that a substantial part of our new model is in fact replicable in other countries or by other groups.
On March 18, Monday, at UTC=GMT=18:00 and CET=19:00 , we are offering an online session to present our theory of change and the accompanying politics, strategy, tactics, narrative and organization.
Register HERE to get the the Big Blue Button link by email.
the link to register on https://www.climaximo.pt/climaximo-presents-an-international-proposal-for-strategy-and-organization-18-march/ seems to be broken. How can I do that?
It’s not broken. It takes a bit to load. It’s a cryptpad.
Não se trata Antropoceno, trata-se de “de estado de guerra”. Beloceno, Bélico-ceno, algo assim.