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What we propose to do is greater than ourselves – climate reality requires it. Aside from direct participation, contribute with donations. Solidarity and mutual aid are fundamental.

There are thousands of people in hundreds of organizations putting their lives on the line to stop this war.

Your donation allows us to carry on with greater strength and resilience.

We estimate that we now face over 150’000 € in legal fines, with 8 people currently sentenced to 1 year in prison converted into fines totalling nearly 10’000 €.

Learn how the donation platform Open Collective works.

Donate to Global South

Consider first donating to organizations in the Global South who are doing work with real impact and deserve your support. Find more information and a list of suggestions here.

Donate to Climáximo

We have a culture of reusing, repurposing, saving resources and finding creative, community-based solutions. But there are costs we can’t avoid. Your donation allows us to continue with greater strength and resilience. Climate resilience will be financed by the people!

Contribute with a monthly donation
Monthly donations ensure greater political stability and resilience, so that we can continue the fight independently of external funds and cover the basic costs for the collective to function as well as for resilience and basic support for activists.

We are currently a group of around 30-50 people, half of whom live outside Lisbon. Most of us have precarious jobs – teachers, administrators, nurses, bartenders among others, from part-time to full-time with fake “green receipts”. Some are students and some are unemployed. Several of us have dependents we care for. We support each other in any way we can with overtime, legal costs, logistical costs of activities and actions, and living expenses.

You can donate to Climáximo via the Open Collective platform here.
For any questions about how the platform works, learn more at the bottom of this page.

Sidenote: from November 2021, 20% of donations to Climáximo via Open Collective will be directed to frontline communities and collectives of the climate justice movement based in the Global South.

Donate to supporters who face legal costs

From October 2023, several Climáximo supporters have used their bodies to stop the destruction and the consenting of the violence which is the climate crisis. After dozens of years of protests and activities in the fight against the climate crisis, we must face reality: there is an active and coordinated decision by corporations and governments to uphold plans that are incompatible with responding to the climate emergency. It is therefore up to all of us, to society, to stop consenting to this crime and to stop those responsible for this war.

We currently face more than 30 court cases and estimate that total fines and legal costs in 2024 will surpass 100,000 euros!

The fight for life, against a system that creates collapse, needs a solidarity network to give us strength to stand up to repression. Currently, 8 people have been sentenced to 1 year in prison for sitting peacefully on a road for 30 minutes, letting any emergency vehicle pass, in a protest for life.

So far, all convictions are being converted into money fines. Judges are denying requests for paying the fines through community service hours. In total, they currently face legal costs of €9655.

The majority are people who work in precarious situations, on minimum wage (or “green receipts”). Some are students, some unemployed. So the people who protested to stop the destruction of everything you love, today, face fines above their means.

You can donate directly to aid these legal costs through the Open Collective platform, here.
For any questions on how the platform works, learn more at the bottom of this page.

How to donate through Open Collective?

Open Collective is a platform that allows collectives to receive money in a transparent way, monitoring the budget of current activities, and seeing where the money comes from and where it goes to. We count on fiscal help from All For Climate, a non-profit organization based in Brussels whose purpose is to help local groups from various climate justice movements with their finances.

You can see which activities we are planning and carrying out at the moment, what their budget is and how you can donate:

In Open Collective you may choose which projects, goals or events you want to donate to.

You may also choose whether to make a one-off or recurring contribution, as well as its amount.

You may choose whether to donate anonymously or put forward your name as a public supporter.

You may choose whether or not to include in your donation the additional maintenance costs of Open Collective (15%). If you choose not to cover these costs, simply click on the “Edit” option and then check the box “I don’t want to contribute to Open Collective”.

You may also choose between different payment methods:

Credit card
Allow direct debit
Receiving an e-mail with instructions on how to make a bank transfer (only available for one-off donations). Sidenote: the account you’ll be transferring to belongs to our Fiscal Sponsor, All for Climate, and is based outside of Portugal.

You may change your monthly donations on the platform whenever you wish.

If you run into any issues or questions, please e-mail:

Select donation

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